The Very Hungry Lockdown Learner

This flashback to the classic toddler board book was penned in January 2021, when Lockdown School nearly broke us all…

This flashback to the classic toddler board book was penned in January 2021, when Lockdown School nearly broke us all…

In the glare of the MacBook
A 10 year old stared at her Google classroom

As mum tried to sneak past into the kitchen…
“SNAP” turned the head of the small, but very hungry child.

She started to ask for snacks.

In Registration she ate through one apple
But she was still hungry

In Comprehension she ate through two packets of crisps
But she was still hungry

In Science she ate through three digestive biscuits
But she was still hungry

At lunch she ate through four cheese sandwiches 
But she was still hungry

In English she ate through five breadsticks
But she was still hungry

In Maths she ate through some leftover pizza, one Babybel cheese, one Twix, some grapes, some rice cakes, one banana, one Club bar and one glass of milk. 

Later that afternoon she had a tummy ache and couldn’t go for a walk. 

At dinner she miraculously recovered and ate sausages and chips.

Now she wasn’t a hungry child anymore. She was a tired and grouchy child…

She crept off to bed, buried in blankets and pillows and teddies.

She stayed there until 8.29am the next day.

Then emerged just in time for Registration

And was hungry once more!


Guess How Much I’m Tired...


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